How to shrink soccer cleats: a stepbystep guide

Soccer cleats are more than just footwear; they represent power, precision, and style on the field.

Yet, sometimes even the best pairs can feel a little too loose or snug.

Fear not, for we have uncovered the ultimate secret to achieving the perfect fit.

In this article, we will unlock the mystery of shrinking and stretching soccer cleats and reveal the top brands that deliver on both performance and comfort.

Get ready to elevate your game with the footwear that feels tailor-made for you.

how to shrink soccer cleats

To shrink soccer cleats, start by using a spray specifically designed for the material of the cleats to protect them.

Let the spray dry fully before proceeding.

Fill a bucket with warm water and submerge the cleats for approximately 5 minutes, ensuring they are fully submerged by adding weights if necessary.

Soaking the cleats with feet in them can help shrink the boots around the foot.

After soaking, towel dry the cleats and allow them to dry slowly in the sun or on a low temperature in the dryer.

Leather cleats may loosen up slightly after a few wears and mold to the foot.

It is best to avoid repeating the shrinking process too many times.

Alternatively, options to create a better fit include wearing multiple pairs of socks, using sports tape, or moleskin.

It is important to exercise caution when shrinking or breaking in cleats to avoid damaging them.

Key Points:

  • Use a protective spray designed for the material of the cleats.
  • Let the spray dry completely before moving forward.
  • Submerge the cleats in warm water for about 5 minutes, ensuring full submersion.
  • Soaking the cleats with feet in them can help shrink the boots around the foot.
  • Towel dry the cleats and allow them to dry slowly in the sun or on low temperature in the dryer.
  • Leather cleats may adjust slightly after a few wears and mold to the foot.

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. Did you know that soccer cleats were once made of leather and had to be shrunk to fit properly? Back in the early days of the sport, players would soak their leather cleats in water, wear them until they dried, and the leather would naturally shrink, providing a snug fit.

2. Before attempting to shrink modern soccer cleats, it’s crucial to determine the material they are made of. Cleats made of synthetic fibers, such as nylon or polyester, should not be shrunk as they are not designed to contract with moisture and heat like leather does.

3. If you want to shrink leather soccer cleats, you can try a technique called the “rubbing alcohol method.” Soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and rub it on the inside and outside of the cleats. This can help soften the leather and allow it to shrink more effectively.

4. An alternative method for shrinking soccer cleats is to use a blow dryer. Simply wear the cleats with a thick pair of socks and apply heat from the blow dryer to the areas that need shrinking. The combination of heat and moisture from your feet will gradually mold the cleats to a better fit.

5. It’s important to note that shrinking soccer cleats is not a guaranteed fix for an uncomfortable fit. Sometimes, it might be better to invest in a new pair of cleats that provide the right size and support for your feet.

The Process Can Also Be Used For Synthetic Cleats.

When it comes to shrinking soccer cleats, many people may assume that the process only applies to leather cleats. However, it is essential to note that the process can also be used for synthetic cleats. Synthetic cleats are made from various materials such as polyurethane, mesh, and synthetic leather, and they too can benefit from the shrinking process.

Synthetic cleats often have a different composition than leather cleats, and therefore, the shrinking process may yield slightly different results. However, the method remains largely the same, and with proper care, synthetic cleats can be effectively shrunk to provide a more comfortable and snug fit.

  • The shrinking process can be used for both leather and synthetic cleats.
  • Synthetic cleats may yield slightly different results due to their different composition.
  • With proper care, synthetic cleats can be effectively shrunk for a more comfortable fit.

It is important to note that proper care should be taken during the shrinking process to avoid damaging the cleats.

Using A Spray To Protect The Cleats Before Shrinking.

Before initiating the shrinking process, it is highly recommended to use a spray specifically designed to protect the material of the cleats. This spray acts as a barrier between the cleat and the water, helping to preserve the integrity of the materials and prevent any potential damage.

By applying the spray, you are ensuring that the cleats are adequately protected from the water they will be exposed to during the shrinking process. This step is particularly crucial for leather cleats as they tend to absorb more water, potentially leading to damage or stretching if not protected correctly.

After applying the protective spray, allow it to dry fully before proceeding to the next step. It is best to let the spray penetrate the material for an extended period, preferably overnight, to ensure maximum protection.

Soaking The Cleats In Warm Water For 5 Minutes.

Once the protective spray has dried completely, it is time to move on to the actual shrinking process. To do this:

  • Fill a bucket with warm water, ensuring that the temperature is not boiling, as excessively hot water can damage the cleats.
  • Submerge the cleats in the warm water and let them soak for approximately 5 minutes. This allows the water to penetrate the material, softening it and making it more pliable for the shrinking process to take effect.

While the cleats are soaking, you may find it necessary to add weights inside the boots to keep them fully submerged. This ensures that the entire cleat is exposed to the water and eliminates the possibility of any areas remaining unshrunk.

  • After the soaking process, remove the cleats from the water and carefully press them with a towel or cloth to remove excess moisture.
  • Allow the cleats to air dry completely before using them. It’s important to ensure that there is no remaining moisture in the cleats as it can lead to discomfort or even mold growth.

Using this method, you can effectively shrink your cleats and improve their fit.

Submerging The Cleats With Weights To Ensure Full Shrinkage.

To achieve optimal results, it is crucial to submerge the cleats entirely during the soaking process. By adding weights inside the boots, you can ensure that the cleats are fully immersed in the warm water, allowing for an even shrinkage throughout the entire structure.

The weights, such as small rocks or heavy objects, help to keep the cleats submerged and prevent any uneven shrinking. This step is particularly beneficial for leather cleats, as they tend to be less pliable than synthetic cleats. By keeping the cleats fully submerged, you are ensuring that they mold snugly and evenly around the foot, providing the best possible fit.

If you have wider feet and are looking to shrink the boots specifically around the foot area, it can be helpful to soak the cleats while wearing them. Soaking the boots with your feet inside can aid in the shrinking process, ensuring a precise fit for players with wider feet.

Drying The Cleats In The Sun Or With A Low-Temperature Dryer.

After the soaking process is complete, it is essential to remove the cleats from the water and towel dry them thoroughly. Once the excess moisture is removed, it is time to dry the cleats completely to maintain their shape and ensure that they do not stretch or become damaged.

One way to dry the cleats is by allowing them to air dry in the sun. This method is preferable as natural sunlight can aid in killing any bacteria that may accumulate during the shrinking process. However, it is crucial to dry the cleats slowly in the sun to avoid any potential damage, such as cracking or hardening of the materials.

Alternatively, if sunlight is not readily available, you can use a low-temperature dryer to dry the cleats. It is important to set the dryer to a low heat setting to avoid any damage caused by excessive heat. The low-temperature drying process may take longer, but it ensures the safety of the cleats.

  • Remove cleats from water and towel dry
  • Air dry in the sun slowly to avoid damage
  • Use a low-temperature dryer as an alternative, with the heat setting on low.

Benefits Of Shrinking Cleats For Players With Wider Feet.

Shrinking cleats can provide numerous benefits, particularly for players with wider feet. Having a properly fitting cleat is essential for optimal performance on the soccer field. When the cleats are too loose or too tight, it can hinder a player’s ability to play at their best, resulting in discomfort and potential injury.

By shrinking the cleats around the foot, players with wider feet can achieve a snug and comfortable fit. Tight-fitting cleats help to improve performance by providing better control, stability, and agility on the field. Additionally, a snug fit can prevent blisters, sores, and other foot issues caused by rubbing or excessive movement inside ill-fitting cleats.

It is important to note that leather cleats may loosen up slightly after a few wears, molding to the foot shape and providing an even more comfortable fit. However, the shrinking process is still beneficial as it establishes the initial fit of the cleats, allowing them to gradually mold and adapt to the player’s foot over time.

By taking these steps to shrink the cleats, players with wider feet can ensure that they have the right balance of comfort and support. Finding the perfect fit is crucial for on-field performance and overall foot health.

Remember to select the right size when purchasing soccer cleats, as starting with a properly fitting pair is crucial for comfort and performance. If your cleats are slightly too tight, you can wear them for short periods of time to help stretch them out gradually. Additionally, heating cleats with a hairdryer or soaking them in warm water can help expedite the stretching process if needed.

When it comes to high-quality soccer cleats, brands such as Nike, adidas, and PUMA are highly recommended. These brands offer durable materials, innovative designs, and superior performance features that can enhance your playing experience.

In summary, shrinking soccer cleats is a practical solution for players who need a tighter fit. Although the process may differ slightly for synthetic and leather cleats, the overall method remains the same. Remember, caution should always be exercised during the shrinking or breaking-in process to avoid any damage or detrimental effects to the cleats. Happy playing!

  • Tight-fitting cleats improve control, stability, and agility on the field
  • Shrinking process establishes initial fit, allowing gradual adaptation to foot shape
  • Finding the perfect fit is crucial for on-field performance and foot health
  • Remember to select the right size when purchasing cleats
  • Wear cleats for short periods to gradually stretch them if slightly tight
  • Heating cleats or soaking them in warm water can expedite stretching process if needed
  • Recommended brands: Nike, adidas, and PUMA

Shrinking soccer cleats is a practical solution for players who need a tighter fit. Caution should always be exercised to avoid damage.


How do you make tight soccer cleats fit?

Another option is to use a shoe stretcher. These tools are designed to stretch out tight shoes, including soccer cleats. Insert the stretcher into the cleats and adjust it to gradually expand the width of the shoe. Leave it in for a few hours or overnight to help the cleats expand and become more comfortable. This method can be particularly useful for those who need a more immediate fix before a game or practice.

Can you put soccer cleats in the dryer?

No, it is not recommended to put soccer cleats in the dryer. Exposing them to excessive heat, such as in a dryer, can potentially damage the cleats. To ensure their longevity, it is best to air dry them instead. Avoid using a hair dryer or leaving them under direct sunlight for drying as well. Taking these precautions will help maintain the quality and performance of your soccer cleats for a longer period of time.

How do I make my football cleats less tight?

If you’re looking to make your football cleats less tight, an alternative method is to put on thick socks and wear your cleats around the house for a few hours each day. The socks will provide some extra padding, and wearing the cleats will gradually stretch out the material, making them less tight over time. Additionally, you can use a shoe stretcher tool specifically designed for stretching footwear, which can help widen the width of your football cleats.

Should you buy soccer cleats a size bigger?

When considering whether to buy soccer cleats a size bigger, it may be wise to resist the temptation. In soccer, a tighter fit is often preferred to ensure better control and maneuverability on the field. It is recommended that soccer cleats should fit snugly, allowing for minimal movement of the foot inside the shoe. Therefore, it is generally advised to opt for the correct size that closely hugs your foot, rather than going for a larger size which may result in a looser fit and potentially hinder your performance on the pitch.

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